September 5, 2023

Sustainable Countries Highlight: Neom City

Have you heard about the revolutionary Neom City? By late 2023, it will be one of the new kingdoms of Saudi Arabia. Neom aims to be a new global landmark that is very different from other metropolitan areas around the world for a multitude of reasons. The city is to be divided into two regions which are called: Oxagon and The Line. These buildings are going to be constructed in a way that has zero carbon emissions and aims to protect and enhance nature in a way that has not been done before. The energy profile of these regions are going to be 100% renewable, which is monumental for our environment with the current effects of climate change. The overall concept of these buildings is to use vertical folded villages to minimize land use and maximize walkability which will promote a  healthy and sustainable lifestyle for the inhabitants of these spaces.

The two regions of Neom City are to be used for different purposes. Oxagon is to be the industrial district of Neom because half of Oxagon will float on the Red Sea. The Red Sea offers global connectivity with 13% of world trade, which will increase the economic development of this emerging region. Neom hopes to rival Silicon Valley as a new tech hub with this plan. The Line is to be a 105 mile linear city that will house one million residents. This city will be car-free and engineered so that everything that is needed for survival will be in a 5 minute walking distance. There will also be high speed eco friendly transportation throughout The Line.

While this sounds amazing, especially for those wondering what the future of sustainability will hold for the future of architecture and engineering, there are some concerns. Some critics have questioned this project, and are wondering what the true intentions of it are. Others are applauding the commitment to sustainability and are hopeful about what this construction might bring. The main question remains: is it just a “vanity project” for Saudi Arabia or is this really the future? We will have to wait and see.